Expansive Grout Range

A range of high yield, high penetration expansive grouts designed to give controlled expansion and minimal plastic shrinkage.

Flow Modified Grout Range

Pre-blended high flow cementitious grouts, manufactured using ordinary Portland cement, selected fillers and a chloride free super plasticising additives to produce a highly fluid mix.

Gel Modified Grout Range

A range of thixotropic, pre-blended cementitous grouts with an early gel time and excellent pumpable qualities when mixed with water.

High Strength Grout Range

A non-shrink, high strength cementitious construction grout. It is designed for use where higher strength is required to fulfil onerous load bearing requirements.

GM Grout Range

A versatile range of grouts designed for void filling, piling and ground remediation, amongst other general grouting operations.

Ductfill Expansive Construction Grout

A range of high performance expansive grouts designed for a range of structural and non-structural applications. It is available in a range of strengths from 40 to 80N/mm2.

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