Pozament’s Cemrok Dry Spray Concrete is available in low, moderate and high strengths and in standard, accelerated, and highly accelerated grades. Polypropylene or steel fibres can also be incorporated into the Dry spray concrete mix for additional strength and crack resistance.
Cemrok Wet Spray Concrete
Pozament’s Cemrok Wet Spray Concrete range is available in low, moderate and high strengths. Polypropylene or steel fibres can also be incorporated into the wet spray concrete mix for additional strength and crack resistance.
Flowing Repair Concrete
Pozament Flowing Repair Concrete is a high strength, shrinkage compensated, chloride free, low permeability repair concrete. It contains a blend of low alkali Portland cements, micro-silica and other cementitious binders combined with high purity limestone aggregates and a system of compatible admixtures.
Rapid Set Flowing Repair Concrete
Pozament Rapid Set Flowing repair concrete is a fast setting repair concrete designed for fast, efficient concrete repairs in critical environments to minimise site closures, delays and operational disruption. It has an initial initial set time of just 15-25 minutes, achieves a strength of 29 N/mm2 after 2 hours and can enable a return to service in under 2 hours.
General Purpose Construction Grout
A non-shrink, high strength general purpose cementitious grout.
High Flow Construction Grout
A non-shrink, high strength cement based flowing grout designed for pumped placement over large areas without bleed or mix segregation and high penetration.
Thick Section Construction Grout
A high strength, free flowing grout designed to be installed in deeper sections of up to 500mm depth.
Ultra High Strength Construction Grout
A non-shrink, very high strength cementitious grout that delivers both high early strength and a high ultimate strength.
Accelerated Polymer Modified Grout Range
Pre-blended polymer modified grouts designed for use in wet conditions where accelerated initial set is required.
Set Accelerated Grout Range
Fast setting grouts for civil engineering that enable rapid setting times, allowing faster completion and allowing work to be completed within restricted time windows.