Pre-blended polymer modified grouts designed for use in wet conditions where accelerated initial set is required.
Expansive Grout Range
A range of high yield, high penetration expansive grouts designed to give controlled expansion and minimal plastic shrinkage.
Flow Modified Grout Range
Pre-blended high flow cementitious grouts, manufactured using ordinary Portland cement, selected fillers and a chloride free super plasticising additives to produce a highly fluid mix.
Gel Modified Grout Range
A range of thixotropic, pre-blended cementitous grouts with an early gel time and excellent pumpable qualities when mixed with water.
GM Grout Range
A versatile range of grouts designed for void filling, piling and ground remediation, amongst other general grouting operations.
Polymer Modified Grout Range
Pre-blended cementitious grouts made with polymeric additives to provide grouts with excellent washout resistance.
Set Accelerated Grout Range
Fast setting grouts for civil engineering that enable rapid setting times, allowing faster completion and allowing work to be completed within restricted time windows.